Ch3 Cover
So here’s the cover to chapter three! Wow, can you believe it? Chapter three. I hope I can continue with many more chapters in the future!
Also, for anyone who likes/prefers smackjeeves for their webcomics, RingTail is now available to read on Smack Jeeves!
RingTail on smackjeeves will probably update slower, and I’ll still update regularly here like always. Plus, I like this layout a lot better than the smackjeeves one. I’m just trying to broaden the fanbase is all.
Also, fellow Americans, since I don’t update until Friday, have a Happy Thanksgiving on Thursday, and remember to appreciate and be thankful for all of your blessings, no matter how small or simple (like my webcomic! 😀 )! I know I’m thankful for anyone who reads RingTail regularly!
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