I decided to take a break from digitally coloring everything and did a little comic in color pencil. Hand written dialog balloons were also done by me with gel pens! Fear the power of an older sister!
Archive for mina
Am I interrupting something heartfelt and important? ((P.S. fellow Americans, Happy Thanksgiving! I’m grateful to all of you who enjoy reading my comics!))
Ritual is done! Time to hide the body- I mean take him to his room to rest. (I’m kidding! He’s fine!)
Mina may be narrow-minded on what is femininity but I believe a person can be both beautiful and dumb!
Hey everybody! I’m back from my unannounced hiatus. I had a blast at Anime Festival Orlando two weeks ago. Thank you to everyone who came by. But now back to regular updates!
A little house! If you are going to MegaCon 2019 this weekend, I’ll be there in the Artist Alley at both 378 under the banner of Twincoon! Yay!
The seventh page of the seventh chapter on the 12th day of the 12th month, so it must be lucky, right?